Whitecap Housing has 164 units in its inventory. 24 Apartment units and 10 single family houses make up the “market housing” inventory. Whitecap Housing builds, manages and maintains the housing inventory.
Through Land Code Laws, Land Management and Parcel Survey/Registrations, the Band has been able to make home ownership a possibility at Whitecap for Band Members and non-Members.
Whitecap Housing Committee approves all applications and allocations of Band Housing Units on the First Nation. The Director of Housing approves and allocates the market housing units.
In addition to band housing, Whitecap offers private home ownership opportunities (99-year leaseholds) and CMHC mortgages.
If you are interested in living in the community, contact our Housing Department.
Applications can be requested by calling 306-491-9090 or you can fill it out here.

The Tenant Handbook was designed to assist Members with basic housing maintenance and the importance of doing routine checks and general maintenance in your home.
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