Whitecap Dakota Nation has one Chief and four Councillors, that are elected by WDFN Membership every four years. The current term is from 2024-2028.
Under the leadership of Chief Darcy Bear, Councillor Frank Royal and Councillor Dwayne Eagle, Councillor Allison Daniels and Councillor Bradon Eagle, Whitecap Dakota Government is working towards the mandate provided by its Members. Chief and Council govern the Nation using accountable practices and transparency, and ensure current projects and initiatives meet the community’s needs. Every term Council signs an Oath of Office which sets the expectations from membership of council members.
Council Meetings
Council meets formally at minimum once a month, in addition to weekly update meetings with executive and staff. Council meetings are used to pass formal decisions on programs and policies, and direct staff to work on specific initiatives or projects.
Advisory Committee to Office of the Chief and Council
Council has established committees to support their work on community projects and initiatives. Each council term, a call for applications is extended to WDFN Membership to join the committees.

To contact the Office of the Council, call 306-477-0908 and request to speak with the Executive Assistant.
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